BETWEEN 1998 – 2015 together first, combined with the other professional jobs, as a Secretary & intermitently during 14 years as a Private English, Spanish, Catalan Teacher & last years openning nacional and international quality market for different brands in different fields (lighting, interieur design and data protection); became International Art Manager, first with one artist and 4 later. See below.
InterNations: 1st World Travel: Let’s Meet in Barcelona!
Two communities, Paris & Barcelona are united through the same origin: Spain.
1. What to expect:
An Official Event coordinated with Locals in Barcelona.
2. How to go?
We offer My Trip including Hotel 4*, Flight from Paris and Flight wherever you are.
Let’s put all together and make things happen.
3. What to do there?
We offer My Tips including sustainability promoting small communities and local businesses. Let’s choose your dream and make things happen in:
– El Masnou
– Mataró
– Arenys de Mar
– Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona
– L’Auberge Espagnole
*This travel could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourism providers.
Paris & Barcelona – City Bridge Event 2021
Gallery Hotel
Spanish Cocktail Dinner & Spanish Wine Tasting.
Two communities, Paris & Barcelona are united through the same origin: Spain. Barcelona and Paris are cities full of original leisure options that encourage you to visit them again and again.
We’re bringing communities across the world together.
*This event could be cancelled without any cost by COVID-19 reasons. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourism providers.
My Tip in El Masnou: Modernist Art Tour
In this village we breathe its history everywhere. It is described as the history of a town of sailboats and havaneres, of flags and sardanas and of sweet dreams for visitors, with a strange smell of smoke, singe and saltpeter where you could hear the music of the Casino with such clarity that it seemed as if the whole town had become a dance hall. The main festival brings back memories of cucañas, charity tombolas, solemn office, soccer matches, peasant and mambos, waltzes and boleros mixed in the dance of the Envelat. Along with the noise of the waves or the wind and the whistle of the trains, they were, and some are still, the music of the town.
From modernists well-known arquitects to its delicacies. All sustainably local:
– Private Bus
– Brunch
– Guided Tour
In a Rural XIV Farm House
*This tour could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourism providers.
My Tip in Mataró: Modernist Art Tour
Mataró is a city with a great, diverse wealth of Modernist heritage: factories, markets, shops and houses. The 30 km north-Barcelona capital of El Maresme is located between the Mediterranean sandy sea beaches and the pre-coastal mountains of Serralada Pre-Litoral and has a vegetation of oak, cork oak and scrub pine forests.
First Spanish train line designed Barcelona-Mataró by a local engineer in 1848. From Romans to the Industrial Revolution through Barocque, Neoclassical, Arabesc & Modernism.
What to expect?
Private Bus
– Let’s start with a walking tour from the beach to the City’s Heritage, capital in El Maresme and visit the colorful local fresh well-known Market too.
– During the tour we will make a stop at the well-known Pastry Shop from an international chef.
– Let’s end in the famous Gaudí’s first building.
*This tour could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourism providers.
My Tip in Arenys de Mar: Modernist Art Tour
Arenys de Mar is a town blessed with all the attractions of the Mediterranean, from wonderful beaches to Arenys de Munt and the natural border of Serralada de Marina.
Practically it is one of the most important port on the Catalan coast. Its fishing industry still drives a large part of the population’s economy today & Arenys fish market is valued throughout Catalonia, especially shrimp. Its large sandy coastal beaches framed by hills are a prelude to the neighboring Costa Brava. The close to Barcelona village, is setlled between the Mediterranean sea and corredor Montnegre NP (a very hilly park).
Let’s enjoy a guided tour captivated by the beauty of wild, hilly and rural Catalonia with an expert Consultant Nature, born in this city and discover the bunkers on the way to a restaurant in the port:
Private Bus
– Wine Tasting
– Walking Tour
– Lunch in the Marina
– Guided Tour
*This tour could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourist providers.
My Movie Tour in Barcelona: Film Locations (1)
Movie Tour
Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona
We can easily recognize the most famous spots where some scenes took place but what about the rest? Those small squares, restaurants, coffee shops? Where are they? In case you’re curious (or if you are a movie addicted that wants to sit in the same place where Scarlet Johansson did), here’s a guide to Vicky Cristina Barcelona film locations. We’re sorry we can’t guarantee that you’ll find hot painter like Javier Bardem or Penelope Cruz…
– Metro/Bus
– Park Guëll
– Walking Tour Gracia Area
– Lunch: Tapeíto
– Walking Tour Gothic Area
– Metro
Let’s visit Barcelona like Woody Allen did in this movie.
*This tour could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourist providers.
My Movie Tour in Barcelona: Film Locations (2)
Movie Tour
L’Auberge Espagnole
Let’s carry on gathering around a bench on a square in the Old Town, singing along to someone playing ‘No Woman No Cry’ on a guitar. As cliché as it may seem, this is precisely the kind of experience that so many young people came to Barcelona looking for.
– Bus/Metro
– Park Monjuic
– Picnic is not included
– Statue of Colon
– Walking Tour El Raval
– Walking Tour Las Ramblas
– Dinner: Tapeíto
– Metro
Let’s visit Barcelona like students in this movie.
*This tour could be postponed depending on the evolution of this health crisis. Although everything has been organized prioritizing security with all tourist providers.
Trips & Tours
In-Person Chocolat & Domènech i Montaner guided building & Tàpies exhibit!
In-Person León! Spain New Coolest Destination! Let’s Live the Experience!
In-Person Biking BCN WHotel-Badalona 4 Foodie Lovers! – NotWelcome Too
In-Person May Trip CORNWALL: Mesmerizingly Authentical Virgin Paradise!
In-Person Meet-Up Arenys de Mar: Llocs amagats / Passejada + Vermutet!
In-Person Meet-Up: Badalona Caminada Light fins a l’àntic Monastir de Sant Jeroni de la Murtra + Vermut
In-Person Meet-Up: Badalona Museu Romà + Casa de les Heures + Casa dels Dofins + Koliaky
In-Person Biking BCN – Premià & Marina ‘Bruxtal’ closed menu!
In-Person Meet-Up: Premià de Mar Museu de l’Estampació + Salicornia al Port!
In-Person Meet-Up: Canet de Mar Casa Museu Domènech I Muntaner – Modernisme – Pescadors + Vermut!
In-person 18thC Famous Cat Restaurant! Lunch Menu: Pre-Booked for 5!
Presentations & Debate
On-Line 1965! in the World – From Local to Global!
On-Line Charleston’s Years: 1900 – 1930! Do You Want to Dance??
On-Line Last ‘romantic’ Wars: XVII, XVIII, XIX From Local to Global
In-Person Austin ‘Atlas Maior’ Jazz Band! Pre-Concert Drink/Eat Mingling!
In-Person Queen Vs. ABBA!! – Candlelight String Quartet Concert
In-Person Meet-Up ‘El Caso Braibanti’ Diumenge 3 18:00 Foment Mataró + Drink!
In-Person Meet-Up: Film ‘Slow’ + Drink!
Trips & Tours
In-Person 2 Jewels: Top ‘Sylphide’ National Ballet LISBON & Gastro!
In-Person ♀️☀ 23-24/9 Despedim l’estiu PALAMÓS una mica de tot! ☀
In-Person Meet-Up: El Masnou ‘MINA D’AIGUA s. XVIII 40 mts + explicacions!’
In-Person Meet-Up Mataro–Llavaneres: “Cinq Sènies”Old Path / Camí de Les 5 Sènies + Vermut!
In-Person Barcelona Loving Eno-Gastro & Sightseeing sunday morning Tour
In-Person Friends Without Borders: ✨Worldwide Friends Visiting Barcelona!
In-Person Pre-Donbass: Taverna do Alentejo – Meeting Lisbon Community!
In-Person Meet-Up Mataró – Argentona per la riera + Vermouth!
In-Person 3 Cocktails Workshop & paired with Food! I
In-Person 3 Cocktails Workshop & paired with Food! II
Meet Up On Line Spanish Traditional Cuisine Workshops
Presentations & Debate
On-Line Approaches to 1st Public World Banks: From Local to Global!
On-Line Gaudi & Sagrada Familia curiosities, from particular to global!
On-Line The history of metros in the world. From local to worldwide!
On-Line Baby Boomers: Lots around here? How was it around the World??
On-Line Live happily ever after!
On-Line Happiness 2: Is following our instincs the way to happiness?
In-Person 1st World Circumnavigator Lois Fasching / Montjüic Castle
In-Person Letters to Vincent- 8500 books! Meet global&local friend artist!
In-Person Sade: Freedom or evil? CCCB & Cocktail chit-chat later!
In-Person Meet-Up ‘ Todo sobre mi Toto’ SALA ARS BCN Vi 14 22:00 !!
In-Person Mataró ‘Helena’/Suport! Teatre-Dansa Espectacle Guanyador + drink!
In-Person Prohibited Art Museum: BCN ‘Born Unic & controversial’!
In-Person Real Self! -World Unic- From Argentina 1st Abroad => Barcelona!
In-Person Meet-Up Christmas Songs amazing local Singer’s Chorus & maybe a drink later!
In-Person Art Vernissage in Palau Dalmases BCN!
In-Person Palau Martorell : SOROLLA! + Margarita Blue!!
In-Person Let’s accompany our fellow Nick!
In-Person Meeting Short-Film Prized Bulgarian director & Mingle-Dinner!
In-Person Meet-Up Let’s meet! JAZZ AL PATI DEL CAFÉ NOU!! 4 Març 11:00h Free
In-Person Photo exhibition by fellow Nick & Great artists +Special Tavern!
In-Person Meet-Up: ‘EMILY’ Brönte’s life & Drink! – Sunday 15th – 18:00H
In-Person Meet-Up: “Historias para no Contar” Cesc Gay (Spanish) Dimarts 6, 20:00H Foment Mataroní
In-Person Meet-Up: ‘HOLYSPIDER’ Trepidant rythm Thriller + Drink & Chat! (Spanish)
In-Person Meet-Up: ‘Aftersun’ V.O.S.E Thursday 16th 20:00 ‘Joya del año/Year Jewel’
In-Person Meet-Up: Maestro(s) 2023!
In-Person Meet-Up: TOM HANKS + Drink! ‘El peor vecino del mundo’ Sunday 18:00 (Spanish)
In-Person Meet-Up: ‘Los hijos de los otros’ Sunday 17:45 CINEMA FOMENT + drink
In-Person Meet-Up: ‘Un paseo con Madeleine’ 17:45 CINEMA FOMENT + drink
In-Person Meet-Up Cinema ‘EMILY’ Brönte’s life & Drink! – Sunday 15th – 18:00H
In-Person Meet-Up Cinema TOM HANKS + Drink! ‘El peor vecino del mundo’ Sunday 18:00 (Spanish)
In-Person Meet-Up Cinema ‘Decision to leave’ + Drink & Chat! (Spanish)
In-Person Meet-Up Cinema ‘HOLYSPIDER’ Trepidant rythm Thriller + Drink & Chat! (Spanish)
In-Person ‘Los hijos de los otros’ Sunday 17:45 CINEMA FOMENT + drink
Trips & Tours
In-Person 4 Portuguese Wine Workshop & Paired with Portuguese Delicacies!!
In-Person Indoor English Speed-dating & with Gaudí´s Trencadís Workshop
In-Person “El Camino Interior”! Pre-view Film with the Authors (Spanish)
In-Person Emblematic&Safe ‘Calçotada’ Wines*Oils Tasting
In-Person Jazz: Top Quality again! in an emblematic only locals-known Bar!
In-Person Let’s greet Istanbul’s Community visiting Barcelona on the 14th!
For a Spanish Travel agency: Designe & guide eno-gastro-culture-art around Catalonia for international clients for a BCN Travel Agency
Meet-Up Drink & chat Sunday 20th!/ Primer Diumenge, el 20!/Domingo 20 te !esperamos!!
Meet-Up Christmas Songs amazing local Singer’s Chorus & maybe a drink later!
Meet Up Mataró-Vilassar-Espinaler: Vermouth & Walk!! Domingo 4 (plaçes limitades)
In-Person ‘Comic. Dreams & history’ Caixa Forum’s exhib + Concert!In-Person Götheborg Ship in Barcelona!
In-Person Mercè Alegria & The Goose Game – El Juego de la Oca! (Spanish)
In-Person Best Musical’s Songs by an amazing Local Singer’s Chorus!!
In-Person Showcooking-Lunch Chef Workshop El Maresme Km0 Seafood!
In-Person 4 German Wines & Small delicacies: Work-shopping Germany !!
In-Person Showcooking-Lunch Chef Workshop El Maresme Km0 Seafood!
Presentations & Debate
On-Line A little more about Picasso: Short Film & Forum
On-Line A. Einstein & Barcelona 1923: From the particular to Universal!
On-Line Circus Part II: Worldwide similarities & differences
On-Line Marcelino – Chaplin: Clowns & Circus! Part I
On-Line 60’s & 70’s Immigration. From particular to worldwide!
On-Line World Immigration 2nd Part
In-Person MEAM: Jordi Diaz Alamà Dante’s ‘Inferno’ – Dvorak&Granados – !
In-Person Pericot: Art Expandit! Kinetic & Cibernetic Art
Meet-Up ‘Un año, una noche’ French VO – Spanish translated (french/spanish coproduction)
Meet-Up “Historias para no Contar” Cesc Gay (Spanish) Dimarts 6, 20:00H Foment
In-Person Top Authentic Flamenco Live Experience!!
In-Person In-Concert: Virtuous Robindro Nikolic’s Clarinetist!
In-Person Ruth Live-Flamenco + Castanets & Songs and Dance Intricacies!
In-Person Meeting Sevilla’s Community through Flamenco & Tapas!
In-Person ‘Arias & Sarsuela’ Duets with a Cava Glass in a charming Place!
In-Person MNAC ‘Ceramic Colours of the Fire’-Orient-Occident Life Dialogue
In- Person CINEMA LOVERS: Spanish V. “Las Apariencias” (El Maresme)
Trips & Tours
In-Person 1st World Travel: Let’s Meet in Barcelona!
In-Person My Tip in El Masnou: Modernist Art Tour
In-Person My Tip in Mataró: Modernist Art Tour
In-Person My Tip in Arenys de Mar: Modernist Art Tour
In-Person Biking Poblenou-BCN Area … Picnic, Tapas, Beach?
In-Person Let’s Meet for a ‘Real’ Picnic! Mountain & Beach (Bike optional)
In-Person Vermouth-Brunch historical Place + Beach (Bike optional)
In-Person Let’s Harvesting with Catalan Fork ‘Breakfast’ together!
In-Person ‘Tapas’ Workshop & Wines Cellar pairing! ‘Oasis like’ near BCN!
In-Person Wines & county Cheeses Pairing Experience! 3rd in ‘Oasis like’!
In-Person Last minute! Montserrat Sanctuary, mountain & Audiovisual museum
In-Person Andalusia & Algarve: Bike-Hike-Boat relaxing photographic Trip
In-Person “Two to Tango!” – 2 Superb Exhibitions!!
In-Person Let’s Sport Biking BCN – Premià de Mar Coastline Path + Drink
Presentations & Debate
On-Line Swedish 4art: Arquitects Used to Change the Whole Society?
On-Line Highly Sensitive People’s Brain by an Expert
On-Line Part 3: Erotic Intelligence through Past Life Memories
On-Line Holy Festivals around the World & Erotic Intelligence
In-Person Outdoor Spanish Speed-dating & with Gaudí´s Trencadís Workshop
In-Person Indoor English Speed-dating & with Gaudí´s Trencadís Workshop
In-Person Picasso & BCN curiosities! Film/forum/finger food & a drink
On-Line Art Eaten!! Nougat Stunning creations!: International Pâtissier
On-Line Mataró: Spanish Design “TURRONES” from a Highly Prized Pâtissier!
In-Person Autumn ‘Castañada’ & Wine’ Pairing, catalan Halloween Style!
In-Person 4 Galician wines Workshop & paired Lunch in BCN
In-Person 4 Greek Wines Workshop & Paired 2 small greek Delicacies!
In-Person 4 Italian Wine Workshop & Paired with small Italian Delicacies!
Presentations & Debate
On-Line The Erotic Intelligence: The Erotic “Capital” Part 2
On-Line What is Erotic Intelligence? Pre-Introduction Part 1
On-Line Masculinity: Adapting to nowadays challenges
On-Line From Love to Individualism Debate!: ‘The Swedish Theory’
On-Line The Swedish Theory of Love: From Love to Individualism
On-Line PART 2 – High Sensitive People
On-Line PART 1 – High Sensitive People Trait
On-Line “The White Crow”: Film & Forum
On-Line “Letter from an Unknown Woman” 2004 Best Director Prized
On-Line Ode to Andalusia
On-Line Mediterranean Style! To dream: ‘El Bulli’ past & future
On-Line Jaume Plensa – Sculptor: “My studio is in my brain”
On-Line 142 Musicians Together: Time to Win!
On-Line Virtual 4-Minutes Tour Through Catalonia
On-Line St. George’s Day: Books, Roses & Lovers Day Will We Miss it?
In-Person AVOCADOH! FEEST: First gastronomic BCN avocado event!
Trips & Tours
In-Person Biking & Swim & Vermouth Again! : Badalona-Vilassar
In-Person The Priorat Olive Oil: The Yellow Gold
In-Person Photography Exhib in Cosy Argentona ‘Càntir Museum’
In-Person Biking & Vermout: BCN – Vilassar ‘Espinaler Tavern’
For a Spanish Travel agency
Designed several eno-gastro-culture-art Signature Trips abroad (hotel & providors & personal guidance)
Trips & Tours
In-Person Free English T.O Guided Modernism 2h Mataró Tour & Drink
In-Person Unknown PORTBOU: Hikings, Beach, Walter Benjamin, Slow all …
In-Person Biking & Vermout: BCN – Vilassar ‘Espinaler Tavern’
In-Person “Printing Clothes Museum (guided) & Vermouth: Premià de Mar
In-Person L.Cohen’s+Special 3-Wine Tasting & Foodie
In-Person Marianne & Leonard Cohen: “Words of Love” In-Edit Festival BCN
Trips & Tours
In-Person SANT POL DE MAR: STROLL 6 VERMUT : From Ermita to Modernism
In-Person Guided Charlotte Salomon Exhibition
In-Person Fascinating Gala: Dali’s Muse
In-Person Vermouth & Biking: Vilassar de Mar ‘Espinaler Tavern’
In-Person La Pedrera: Xavier Miserachs, Witness od Spain’s Change!- Photo
In-Person Vermout’s and Maresme: Canet de Mar Gastro – Cultural Tour
In-Person BRASSAÏ (1899-1984) : PARIS
In-Person Auguste Rodin … Last Chance … to Piano-Bar later
In-Person Gipsy Airs at Kings’s Day
In-Person ‘Petit Comité’ : Visit, Workshop and Special Lunch
Trips & Tours
In-person Lita Cabellut “Retrospective”, a ‘must’
In-Person Discovering Dali’s Homeland: Hike from Cadaqués to Cap de Creus
In-Person Catch Up with friends! Easy Bike, Swim & Tapas Taberna Espinaler
In-Person Biking BCN – Vilassar de Mar, Xiringito & Beach optional
In-Person Bike & Boat: Passau – Wien 285kms 1 week in May
In-Person Calella – Blanes Biking and Beach
In-Person 4 Wines 4 Vinegars Aperitif, Wineyard & Cellar Train&Excursion
Trips & Tours
In-Person 3-days Trip : Biking Delta de l’Ebre – 3rd Part again!!
In-Person Gracia: Torrent de l’Olla Street – First Shops of the Street
In-Person Hiking &Long Swimming & Wines/Oils/Land Food Tasting
In-Person Istvan Sandofi Retrospective
In-Person Kayak Miravet-Benifallet/Swim Sweets & Wine/Amazing Coves
In Person “Orquestra Plateria” to Launch the BCN Greek Festival
In-Person Biking BCN-Mataró & Lovely Beach Food or Join at Lunch
In-Person Unic Calcotada Workshop Wine Tasting D.O. Alella & Excursion
In-Person Hiking Costa Brava Special Wine & Oil Tasting Fishing Museum
In-Person Hiking & Amazing “Brand New” Tirolines Adventure Park
Trips & Tours
In-Person 3-days Trip Part II: Biking in Natural Reserve Delta de L’Ebre
In-Person 3-days Trip: Biking in Delta de l’Ebre : Birds reserve, rice fields …
In-Person 8’5 Kms Mataró “Cinq Sènies” Old Path to Llavaneres
In-Person Great film/Good reviews/English VO/Spanish subtitles
In-Person Biking Swimming & Eating: Again … BCN – Mataró
In-Person Polish Songs & Concert to close St. Joan’s
In-Person Sant Pere de Rodes Castle & hiking down & food & beach
In-Person Calella de Palafrugell+Gala-Dali’s Castle
In-Person Biking BCN – Mataró (Premià) & Black Rise in The Beach
In-Person VILASSAR “Indians” homes from Modernism & Typical XIX Tavern
For another International Group/Organisation
In-Person Modernism and Indians Tours in Vilassar de Mar
In-Person Walking tour Canet de Mar
For a Spanish Travel agency
In-Person Cadaqués: Excursion, cata, baño, pícnic
For a Russian Travel agency
In-Person Arenys-Mataró Gastro-touristic-art
In-Person Canet de Mar from fishermen to modernisme
In-Person El Masnou in Full eno-gastro-touristic day
In-Person Mataró gastro-touristic-historical tour
For a French students Organisation
In- Person Arenys
In-Person Mataró historical stroll & 3 courses Catalan Chefs School Worshop
Design of 14 more for students day-activities & workshops around Catalonia
In-Person Ready for a “CALÇOTADA”?
In-Person CADAQUÉS & MASIA Wine Tast,Cellars, Wineyards
In-Person DALI FIGUERES : MUSEUM DALI & JEWELRY Guided Figueres Tour
In-Person Easy Biking and Tour from Calella to Malgrat de Mar
For a Spanish Travel agency
In-Person Ruta de los Indianos + Vermut
In-Person Miravet-Benifallet
For a Russian Travel agency
In-Person Figueres-Cadaqués wine tasting, visit & Cap de Creus lunch
BETWEEN 1998 – 2015 together first, combined with the other professional jobs, as a Secretary & intermitently during 14 years as a Private English, Spanish, Catalan Teacher; became International Art Manager, first with one artist and 4 later.
Organizer of the 3 annual Trips every year, pre-during-post exhibitions & organizer of 1-3 weeks Sustainably Touristic-Art-Gastro-Cultural Leisure & Business Pack
– 17 years art manager of an international painter, positioning the career from 0
– Researching right galleries
– Introducing in UK (London & Cornwall & Devon & Scotland) France (Brittany), Italy (Venice), Holland and Spain
– Organising the exhibitions together with the gallerist and artists
– Website and catalogues Design. Working with developers to assure every step to achieve the chosen goal
– Packaging & Deliveries
– Daily Customer’s attention
– Complaints, Problem Solving
– Publicity (content, storytelling, providing material)
– Marketing & Selling strategies (at different levels depending on each gallery)
– Logistic decisions
– Importing & exporting material deals
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